
End To End Recycling
Right Down To The Last Screw


Supporting A Greener Planet Together


We Specialize in End-to-End Recycling of Computers,
LCD Monitors, Computer Towers, Laptops, and Data Removal


Free Data Removal for
All Recycled Computers

Computer Recycling Specialists

Green Computer Recycle

Green Computer Recycle Specializes in IT equipment for end-to-end recycling. Recycling computers helps protect the environment. Green Computer Recycle buys company computer assets of value as well.


How Computer Recycling Works


We guarantee data removal for all recycled computers with hard drives. Schedule a day and a time for free pickup. You schedule a date and time, and we do the rest.


No CRT Monitors Accepted

We cannot accept CRT monitors or old-style televisions due to high toxicity exposure when broken. However, most dumpsites will take them but usually charge a fee.


(813) 504-4062

Guaranteed Free Data Wipe

Our company policy is simple and easy to understand because we genuinely care. Green Computer Recycle guarantees Free data wipes on salvaged computers for your peace of mind. We leave nothing to chance because data destruction is the lifeblood of our business. Your end-of-life computer equipment has value, and you can trade that equipment in exchange for our data destruction and free recycling pick-up services. Our data destruction services have a greater value for many companies than the computers being recycled do. Many businesses consider data destruction as the main priority when recycling their computers.

Green Computer Recycle Drives are a Proactive Approach Towards Environmental Preservation

Green Computer Recycle drives are a proactive step towards environmental preservation, resource management, and community well-being. By recycling old computers, we can mitigate the harmful effects of e-waste, conserve valuable materials, and promote a more sustainable future. Additionally, these drives offer economic benefits, enhance data security, and support charitable causes, making them a win-win solution for everyone involved.

Green Computer Recycle

Reducing Landfill Waste

Landfills are rapidly filling up, and e-waste contributes significantly to this problem. By recycling computers, we can reduce the volume of waste in landfills. This not only helps in managing waste more effectively but also extends the lifespan of existing landfill sites. Recycling drives can significantly reduce the amount of e-waste, promoting a more sustainable approach to waste management.

Economic Benefits

Recycling drives can also have positive economic benefits. The recycling industry creates jobs, such as collection, processing, and resale of recycled materials. Additionally, the recovered materials can be sold, generating revenue that can support further recycling initiatives or community projects. By participating in a recycling drive, individuals and businesses can contribute to the local economy and support sustainable practices.

Computers Don't Get Recycled Because Many People Don't Know Our "Free" Computer Recycle Services Exist!

Computers and related equipment are considered to be hazardous waste. At Green Computer Recycle every part will be reused or recycled. Every ton of electronics recycled is one less ton of toxic waste penetrating the soil and water. Green computer recycling disrupts the pollution chain by reducing a manufacturing plant’s emissions because it’s one less thing being manufactured when computers are recycled. 

In the 1990s and 2000s computers were disposed of in African nations and it was a disaster! Computers were shipped to poor countries that accepted hazardous waste. The people in these African nations were getting exposed to toxic waste because they would burn them to get the precious minerals that don’t burn. The burning of computers caused an increase in sickness, cancer, breathing illnesses, and more. Recycling computer equipment is the answer to the problem because it’s so healthy for all of us.

We are paying the price for computer technology because its components are too hazardous for our environment. It’s a horrible idea to throw computers in the trash because they’re incredibly toxic. Computers and electronics are hazardous waste our planet would do better without. Green Computer Recycle is a good solution for a toxic waste problem because it’s free. To help promote recycling we offer on-site data removal because some companies don’t allow computers to leave the premises with hard drives intact without being wiped before recycling.

When We Recycle We are Supporting a Greener Planet Together!


Green Computer Recycle Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved.

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